All of Lome's Features

What we've built (so far) on our mission to equip communities toward a better shared life with thoughtful technology.
Sign ups
Community Boards
Image & Photos
Address Book
Sign Up Forms
Know who's coming. Create a stand-alone RSVP Invitation or add an RSVP field to your Sign Up Form.
Hosting a potluck or book club? You need cookies. Add a Sign-up to make sure someone brings cookies.
Invite via link, text, or email
Share your sign up with anyone - use Lome's invite feature to add email addresses or phone numbers. Or if you don't have everyone's contact info, just copy and paste the link into a message.
Sign Up via Email or Phone
Your respondents can sign up on your form using their email or phone number. This makes sure they are choosing the method of contact they'd prefer for reminders and messaging.
Single or Multi-Date
Whether you need to share a Sign Up Form that focuses on a single day or one that spans months, Lome makes it easy to create and manage a form for your group.
Time Slots
20 minute sessions all day? 2 hour volunteer shifts every morning? Use Lome's AI time slot creator to quickly generate the slots you need.
Add to Calendar
Lome offers a one click Add To Calendar button so you and your guests can keep track of your Sign Up Form in the calendar they love best.
Event Landing Pages
Lome's visual and easy to customize style makes it easy to create a beautiful event landing page via a Card. Upload your own images, add the important details, embed a playlist and video, then make the Card public and share the URL with your guests.
Export Results
Export the results of your RSVP or Sign Up into a spreadsheet format for easy offline access or some kind of mad scientist advanced analysis.
Print Results
Easily print the results to your Sign Up or RSVP so you can have them when you need them.
QR Code
Lome generates a QR code for your event/form - download as an image or print on your results page.
Sticker Wall
Engage guests with a fun visual interaction - have them leave their mark on your event sticker wall.
Payments - Venmo
Add a Venmo Block to your event card so guests can pay you or contribute to the cause! 
Reminders - Auto & Custom
Don't let guests or volunteers forget. Set Lome to remind them via text message or email.
Need to send an update? Lome allows you to message individuals or groups of your invitees / sign ups at any time via text message or email.
Custom Invite Messages
Customize the message your invitees will see when you share your Sign Up Form with them.
Guest Thank You Cards
After an event, guests can send fun, visual, digital thank you cards to the host.
Host Notification Options
Lome allows hosts to get notified on their terms when guests Sign Up and RSVP.
Custom Question
Get the additional info you need - ask a custom question when people sign up.
Add a Voting Block to take a survey, get feedback, make group decisions, or just to ask silly questions.
AI Write It For Me
We integrated ChatGPT from OpenAI to save you from writers block - it auto generates an event description based on your event title.
Automatic map links
Lome's intelligent location field generates a link that makes directions for your guests easy.
Sign Up Slot Settings
Restrict sign ups to only one slot or show a number field so people can sign up for more than one of an item.
Require Email and Phone
Sometimes you really need to know the contact info for your respondents. Lome allows you to require them to share their email and phone number.
Hide Responses
Lome allows you to keep things private by hiding the names of people who respond or the number of NO RSVPs.
Lock / Unlock
Lock your Sign Up Form to make sure people can only sign up when you want them to be able.
Add Co-Host(s) so other can manage your Sign Up Form alongside you.
Duplicate Your Form
It is easy to duplicate a Lome Sign Up Form so you can save time and reuse all your hard work.
Share From Previous Events
Lome remembers the contact information of people you have invited to previous events and offers you the option to share your form with these people with a few taps.
You've Signed Up For
Lome makes it easy for you and your respondents - if you've already signed up, Lome calls out your sign ups in a special section near the top of the Form.
Sign Up Slot Descriptions
Often you need to share more details with your respondents - Lome allows you to add a description to any sign up slot so you can share details or instructions with each respondent.
Community Boards
What's a Board?
Not everything seems to fit on a calendar, which is why we all still have whiteboards and corkboards. Lome's Board is a digital translation of those analog boards that you can access anywhere on your phone, tablet, or computer.
Community Board
A Lome Community Board serves as a hub for your group - it combines a Shared Calendar, announcements, comments, Sign Up Forms, and RSVPs all in one place. It can be customized to fit any group's needs.
Share via link, text, or email
Share your Community with anyone - use Lome's invite feature to add email addresses or phone numbers. Or if you don't have everyone's contact info, just copy and paste the link into a message.
Members Only
While you can invite people to join your boards many different ways, a person must be signed into their Lome account to view and participate in your Board.
Community Board members can comment on your Pages, RSVPs, or Sign Up Forms. These comments roll up into a Recent Activity section on your Community Board.
What's Next?
Lome Community Boards feature a useful What's Next section that makes it easy for your group to keep up to date.
AI Magic Import
Paste in a list and watch as Lome uses AI (Open AI + ChatGPT) to automatically create Sign Up Forms, RSVPs events, announcements, and informational Pages for your Board.
Share an announcement, event, or information with your group by adding a Lome Card to your Community Board.
Pin / Unpin
Hide or show events and pages from your Community board by pinning or unpinning them in Lome's easy edit interface.
Header Image
Use one of Lome's images, upload one or yours, or create an image that signfies the purpose of your Community.
Use the Community Board rich text description section to explain the purpose of the board, share instructions, and add any important links or details.
Custom URL
Choose a URL for your Board so your Community Board link is easy to read and familiar to your viewers.
Member Management
Lome makes it easy to add or remove members.
Add Co-Host(s) so other can manage your Shared Calendar alongside you.
Notifications and Reminders
Community Board members and hosts receive notifications and reminders about important happenings in the group via email or text message.
Images & Photos
Image Creator
Lome equips you with a bank of pre-made images, stickers, and colors to keep things visually engaging. But Lome knows every home is different. So the Image Creator helps you easily build fun, layered visuals for all your events, recipes, convos, tasks, and whatever else you plan with Lome.
Image Upload
Add personal photos to really make Lome feel like home. If you're an iOS  user, a new feature lets you easily remove the background from a photo so you can upload a person or item with a transparent background to create a polished, layered look.
Add stickers for personality or for privacy (cover up children's faces). Lome offers an extensive bank of stickers, or you also create custom stickers to use throughout Lome.
Unsplash Images
Lome integrates Unsplash's vast library of free images and photos so you can find the exact right image for your event, sign up, or other card.
Random Background
Randomly generate unique and colorful backgrounds for your images.
Type with Inline Emojis
Use Lome stickers/emojis inline with text while you type in a Lome Card. Simply type ":" and then search for the emoji of your choice. Try ":rocket" or ":zap" for example.
Address Book
Auto Save Addresses
When someone responds to one of your Sign Up Forms or joins a Shared Calendar or Community Board they are automatically added to your Address Book.
Add Your Way
Paste a list of names, emails, phone numbers. Add contacts one by one. Or upload a CSV.
Easy Edit
Edit individual or multiple contacts with ease in Lome's simple visual interface.
Tags help you manage your contacts. Lome even auto-tags contacts with Sign Up Forms they have responded to or Shared Calendars they have joined.
From Previous Events
Lome remembers the contact information of people you have invited to previous events and offers you the option to share your form or calendar with these people with a few taps.
What's a Card?
The heart of Lome's data architecture is Cards. Each event, RSVP, Sign Up Form, etc. is a Card. Cards may be simple - just a little bit of text. Or, they may be long and full of rich content like videos, images, and playlists.
Make any Card public to get a url where non-Lome users can view and interact. When shared, Cards effectively can become mini-websites for your events, recipes, and activity ideas.
Image and emoji
Every card on Lome has an emoji and an image. These get automatically assigned when you create a card, but can be updated at any time. You may even create custom emoji or images using the Lome Image Creator.
Date, time, location
Each Card can be assigned a date, time, and location. But unlike other calendars, a Card is not required to have a date, time, or location.
You may create and assign Tags to Lome Cards to help you organize your Cards.
Reminders & alerts
Don't miss the important stuff! Lome can remind you via text or email.
Content Blocks
Lome Card content is organized in Blocks. Blocks make Lome cards powerfully customizable and rich so you can use them for everything from hosting an event to pairing the perfect playlist with that recipe you tweaked slightly from your favorite YouTube chef.
Rich text
Plain text is so... plain. Ex-plain yourself better with formatting. Go boldly, or just strikethrough.
Checklist & Routine
Add a Checklist or Routine to any Card to stay on track and build healthy habits.
Other Cards
What's more powerful than a Lome Card? TWO Lome Cards! Embed cards within cards to create powerful inter-card linking and references.
Import content by pasting a url
Paste any url in a blank card and Lome will extract key text and a header image. Then you can add your own notes or edit the extracted text to make it your own.
YouTube embed
Embed a YouTube video that can play in-line so you can watch your favorite YouTube chef or craft artist as you follow along at home.
Spotify embed
Easily embed a song, podcast, or playlist from Spotify to create that perfect pairing or ambience.
Lome has a smart set of emoji and images that get intelligently assigned when you create or update a Card or task.
Works on any device
Phone, tablet, computer. Android, iOS. Lome is built to be accessible and useful no matter what the context.
No passwords
You log in to Lome via magic link or with a temporary code texted or emailed to you. This secure method ensures your family's data is safe, but also means you don't have to remember another password.
Communication controls
We only send you communications you want via the channel (text or email) that you prefer.
Metric weather
See the weather in the format you prefer.
Data & Ads
Real-time updates
The data on Lome's Sign Up Forms, Calendars, Boards, Planner, etc. all update in real time so two people viewing the same page will see it update without reloading or refreshing.
You are not the product
Lome is our product - not the data our customers entrust to us. We do not make money from collecting or selling user data.
No Ads or Spam
Lome respects your data privacy, doesn't send you spam, and knows the last thing you want to look at is another ad.
Aligned business Model
Lome makes money when people like you upgrade to paid versions of our software because they find it useful.
Built On Purpose
Mission-driven company
Lome exists to build thoughtful technology that helps communities live life better together.
Never impede the mission
In all things we seek to never to impede the flourishing of any community.
Lome Logo.
We Flourish Together
Our Mission and Values